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Project Management Trends in 2023

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Staff training and development has become a top priority. This is a trend aimed at developing talent for effective business digitization. The characteristics and ideas of project management include the means, skills, and knowledge that help achieve goals.

Social skills

Project management trends for 2023 show that the experience and skills acquired during training are not enough to have advantages in the market. Project managers need to develop interpersonal skills. Being a project manager isn’t just a job that requires working with documentation and figuring out the volume of assignments. To be effective, they must manage all stakeholders and build good relationships among team members. These managers can quickly explain their ideas and have experience in solving particular problems.

Remote cooperation

This situation has many advantages: increases the balance between private life and work; increases staff efficiency and reduces the number of business trips. The project budget is thus reduced thanks to technological tools which communicate instantaneously with the customers, project groups, etc.

Hybrid methodologies

The classic methodology offers a linear approach: it has clear and structured objectives while the emphasis is on strict control and document flow. A hybrid approach (classic + agile) set the focus on specification flexibility. Therefore, one must consider the amount of work, characteristics, available resources and other factors. This will help in choosing an appropriate methodology. Characteristics of hybrid project management include speed and flexibility, while different management styles can be combined within a single project.


As technologies and digitization develop, data leaks occur more frequently. These events confirm the need for cybersecurity. Companies must maintain a balance and allow easy access to approved users.


Technological changes have a significant impact. The popularity and efficiency of remote working, digitized processes and the need for cybersecurity are influencing the way we work. The human factor in project management in 2023 will require developing communication skills that will benefit formal and informal team discussions.